21-Day Challenge

3 Weeks to Improve your Energy Levels

Morning Workout

on January 14, 2012

I realize that most people are not ‘morning-people.’  Some people are wired to be early risers and are the most efficient at getting things done before 8 am.  Others don’t even move a toe until at least 10 am.  They stay up late, sometimes until the early morning hours getting things done.  I used to think that people should exercise when they were most energized, but I have changed my opinion on that over the years.  Our bodies are wired to wind down at sunset.  The cortisol levels decrease (or they should), our heart rates and blood pressure begins to slow, our organs and systems begin to prepare for rest, our brain waves slow.  That is just the way it is, no matter how hard you fight it.  It happens.  Even people who work nights, and have for many years, still experience this slowing down process internally.  So…because of how we were created to be.

So my analysis: There is something to getting a workout done first thing in the morning.  You get up before everyone else, before the sun maybe, get your blood pumping, get your ‘me’ time in for the day, get heart rate up, clean out the sludge that has settled in your system overnight, and prepare for the day.

The point is simple: you are energized for the day.  Point-blank.  No arguments.  If you get up early and workout first thing, you WILL have energy to get more done in that day, compared to if you had slept that extra hour.   So my challenge to you this week is:  go to bed earlier, get up earlier, have more energy.  Guaranteed.  Even if you are not a morning person, you need to do this.

So I challenge you to get up early this week and do all of the workouts before you begin your day.  They are short and sweet, so they won’t take long, you can do it!

Let me know how you plan to make this happen.  When do you feel the most energized in your day?

My suggestions:  Set out your clothes the night before.  Have a bottle of water ready in the fridge for you to grab when you wake up.  Splash your face with cool water upon waking up to get you going.  Set your alarm, maybe 2.  Have someone to keep you accountable.

12 responses to “Morning Workout

  1. Jennifer says:

    The morning workouts are difficult for me since I do not get much sleep then have to get three kiddos ready for the day. I think I can make it happen after the oldest two are off to school and the baby takes his morning nap. I think I am most energized midmorning. It takes me awhile to get going in the morning, and by afternoon, I am sleepy again.

  2. Joy says:

    I used to be a morning person, but anymore I think I’m more of an evening person. I don’t sleep late, but I just don’t get up as early as I used to. So, I’m going to make my goal getting up & doing the workouts before I get the kids up in the morning.

  3. DJ says:

    I’m definitely a morning person. Just wish the sun was up a little sooner! I hate to go run in the dark. As for making breakfast a high protein meal, I think today I will have leftover stir fry. 🙂

    • AmWoods says:

      The hardest part for me, when I first started eating non-typical foods for breakfast, was the smell. For some reason, smells first thing in the morning make or break my appetite!

  4. Lindy says:

    Got up this morning, no problem. Workout was TOUGH!!! Wow! It did evolve into some very good prayer time, as that was the ONLY way I finished! 🙂 My arms are definitely my weak spot. Am determined to continue with the early morning, though, as it is so nice to have it done for the day and not have to worry about working around other activities. One real concern I had was, by the 4th round of exercises I was feeling weak and by the end I felt nauseous. I know I am out of shape, but wonder if my sugar was just very low….I was wiped out! I also know that if I eat much prior to working out, it slides right up my esophagus each time I bend over…but wondered about maybe just a few bites of cheese or a spoon of almond butter? Really feeling good about the no sugar…..it is going much better than I thought it would!

    • AmWoods says:

      Lindy, if I eat dinner earlier in the evening and know I’ll be working out the next day I’ll have a glass of milk before I go to bed and if I’m still feeling weak I’ll have 1/3 of a banana with some almond or peanut butter on top for a quick protein/fat/carb energy boost!

  5. AmWoods says:

    I actually slept in until 7 am this morning!! Whoa..I don’t know if I was more surprised both babies slept until then or that I actually slept past 6 am for once. I even went to bed early…guess I needed the sleep. But I have been DRAGGING all day because of my longer sleeping routine. So this just proves to me again, getting up early is key for my energy throughout the day. Plan to set that alarm for tomorrow again, even though there is no school…all 3 kids at home all day=NEEDED ENERGY!

  6. Lynette says:

    I tend to be a morning person, regardless of if I want to or not 🙂 Actually I enjoy mornings and feel much better if I get my workout in early. I have a workout partner at least 3 times a week so that keeps me accountable for those days. I did not get both weekend workouts in and have also noticed that my sugar cravings are getting harder and harder. My body must work backwards!

  7. Dorie says:

    I do know the value of a.m. workouts, but it is going to take some massive self-discipline and determination. Generally I get to bed way later than I want -11:30ish and am up by 6:15. So, the thought of getting up yet another hour earlier, in a cold house (we heat with wood stoves and it’s cold in the morning!) So, now that I have laid my excuses out there, I’ve got to just figure it out and do it.
    I am feeling really good from the cardio today. I did it on the treadmill, worked hard and had lots of energy when done. This is the payoff. I need to figure out how to get to bed earlier, regularly. Tough one. Linden generally works late, and there is alot going on at our house. Just hard to end the day. I’m whinning again.


  8. Tracy says:

    I am not a super early morning person, I get up around 6:30 but that’s getting ready before the kids get up and get ready…..so I am trying to get up by 6:00 to workout. I love staying up late and usually get another burst of energy about 9:30 or 10, so trying to go to bed early. I definitely feel better working out in the morning.

  9. Heather says:

    i just checked in on this blog again…so I will set an alarm and try to get up early tomorrow. I know i will need to go to bed earlier to do this. I do think it will help to start the day out without kids and getting my blood flowing.

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